2024Annual Luncheon
State of Transit
Friday, September 20, 2024
Welcome and Introductions
Anne Crews, Chair, TCNT Board of Directors
Vice President, Public Affairs, Mary Kay Inc.
The Importance of Transit to Business
Kenny Crabb, Archer Western
Angel Pena, STV
TxDOT Statewide Multi-Modal Plan
Caroline Mays, AICP, TxDOT
Director of Planning and Modal Programs
Brianne Glover, J.D., TTI
Division Head, Policy Analysis
What it All Means for Transit in North Texas
Richard Andreski, CEO, Trinity Metro
Paul Cristina, CEO, DCTA
Nadine Lee, CEO, DART
TCNT Announcements of Upcoming Events and Conclusion


Caroline Mays, Director of Planning & Modal Programs
Caroline Mays is a senior-level leader with more than 24 years of multimodal transportation planning, programing, policy, project development, and implementation experience at the local, regional, state, and international levels, having held various leadership roles at all four levels.
Ms. Mays joined the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in late 2012 and has held several positions. Ms. Mays is a member of TxDOT’s senior leadership team and currently serves as the Director of Planning and Modal Programs. In this role, she directs and oversees all the transportation planning activities of the agency including Aviation, Maritime, Public Transportation, Rail, and Transportation Planning and Programming Divisions.
Ms. Mays is a member of the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. She serves as the Chair of the Association of American State Highway Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Special Committee on Freight and is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Planning and Logistics Committee. Ms. Mays also serves on the World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee on Freight as a representative of AASHTO and the United States.
Ms. Mays holds a Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Waterloo, Canada and a Master’s degree of Science in Planning from the University of Toronto, Canada.

Brianne Glover, J.D., Division Head-Policy Analysis, Senior Research Scientist, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Brianne Glover is a Senior Research Scientist with the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and Head of the Policy Analysis Division. She is an Attorney and Counselor at Law, licensed to practice in the state of Texas. She has been involved with numerous research projects within the Investment Analysis Program and the Mobility Analysis Program that focus on transportation financing as well as the economic impacts associated with transportation improvements. She has testified before the Texas House of Representatives Transportation Committee regarding finance options as well as future funding needs.
Other projects include legal reviews concerning right-of-way issues and compensation, benefit-cost analyses for federal grant applications, economic impact assessments for both the public and private sector, and on-call research support for the Texas legislature regarding financial tools and forecasts, as well as economic transportation topics. She has also led and participated in numerous national cooperative research program projects. Her research spans all modes of transportation with sponsors ranging from local cities and counties to various state agencies both inside Texas and around the country.

Richard Andreski, President & CEO
Trinity Metro
Richard Andreski has served as Trinity Metro’s President and Chief Executive Officer since June 2022. In this role, he focuses on delivering exceptional service and finding ways to bring additional value to the communities served by Trinity Metro. The agency provides bus, rail, paratransit, on-demand ridesharing, vanpool and bike sharing services throughout much of Tarrant County. Under Andreski’s leadership, Trinity Metro is laying the groundwork for an expanded transit system to support growth in Fort Worth, the nation’s 13th largest and fastest growing big city.
Andreski is motivated by a mission of public service and believes transit plays a critical role in communities by providing access to employment, education and other opportunities, spurring economic development and improving the quality of life. He keeps the customer experience at the heart of every investment decision.

Nadine Lee, President & CEO
Nadine Lee is the President & Chief Executive Officer of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), a 13-city transit system covering a 700-square mile service area with bus, light rail, commuter rail, and paratransit services, where she leverages the talents and expertise of 3,700 employees to deliver the People's Transit System.
Previously, Nadine was the Chief of Staff for Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro). Prior to arriving in Los Angeles, Nadine led the development and implementation of the Flatiron Flyer Bus Rapid Transit for Denver’s Regional Transportation District (RTD), a project that produced a 40% increase in corridor ridership in its first few months of service. Nadine also led the Northwest Rail and Commuter Rail Maintenance Facility projects in the FasTracks Program.
Nadine was appointed to the Leadership APTA Committee in 2019 and is a past Director on the WTS International Board. She was awarded 2019 WTS International Woman of the Year. A registered Professional Engineer in Colorado and Kansas, Nadine received her B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Despite her engineering training, Nadine flexes her creative muscles in Adult Beginning Ballet several times a week and has participated in several performances.

Paul Cristina, President & CEO
Paul Cristina is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA). Cristina previously served as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer for DCTA, and was responsible for overseeing rail operations and capital planning and development for the agency.
A licensed professional engineer, Cristina came to DCTA from BNSF Railway where he led the company’s engagement with public agencies across the railroad’s extensive network, directing new infrastructure development and agreement execution for BNSF and the public. Cristina brings direct experience working with public and private railroads, regional transit agencies, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and other coalitions across North Texas. He is also an Air Force veteran, having served as a Civil Engineer Officer at stateside and overseas locations.
Cristina received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the United States Air Force Academy and a Master of Business Administration from Florida State University - Panama City.

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