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Public Tansportation


Facts and Benefits

  • Public transportation is a $71 billion industry that directly employs 420,000 people and creates millions of private-sector jobs - 70% of government funding for public transportation flows through the private sector.

  • Every $1 billion invested in public transportation creates of sustains 50,000 jobs.

  • Buy America laws ensure that public transportation funds are used to create American jobs, constructing and manufacturing our public transportation systems, rail cars, and buses.

Dallas Streetcar at Sunset
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Upcoming Events

2025 Events 

Transit Day at the Capitol, Austin, TX, February 25

Transit Oriented Development Summit, W Dallas Hotel, March 27

TCNT Annual Luncheon, Irving, TX, September 25

Recent Events

TCNT Regional Transit Tour

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The transit tour was well attended by elected officials and their staff. The Coalition was able to highlight new projects and current initiatives that are helping move North Texas! 

TCNT Annual Luncheon-State of Transit

Friday, September 20, 2024

What a great luncheon! You can learn more about the Luncheon, including viewing the slide decks here.

TCNT Board Meeting

May at Trinity Metro Headquarters, where Chad Edwards, VP of Planning, presented on the Value of Transit

DART’s Local Area Benefit/Cost Evaluation System Tool Webinar

March 13, 2024, 1:00 PM. 

What is the economic impact of transit investments? DART's investments create over 41,000 jobs worth $730 million and also produce $226 million annually in local, county, state, and federal taxes, 93% of which are within DART member cities. (DART Value of Transit Final Report)

To help calculate the impact of their investments, DART partnered with TTI to create a tool that evaluates the impact of new transit stations. This tool is designed to provide macro-level estimates of the impacts associated with potential new transit stations at locations not currently part of the DART service area. These impacts include the additional property tax revenues, sales tax revenues, employment, and economic activity associated with the development of a new station.

During this webinar, Brianne Glover with TTI will discuss the tool, its use, and the data it produces.


Webinar Recording:

TCNT Board Meeting

February at Denton County Transportation Authority Headquarters, where Paul Cristina, CEO, shared their plans and progress.

TxDOT Multimodal Presentation

Austin, February, from 2:30 to 4:00 PM.

Caroline Mays, TxDOT Director of Planning and Modal Programs, spoke to a statewide coalition about TxDOT's multi modal plan currently being developed.

Local Elected Officials Regional Transit Tour

Fort Worth, Plano, and Denton, October 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

For more information, email Christy Willhite at

Annual Luncheon - "The Future of Transit"

Hyatt Regency DFW, Friday, September 22, 2023.

Statewide Conversation on Public Transit

In partnership with Austin Transit Forward, Meeting to be held at Austin Transit Partnership, 203 Colorado St, Austin, Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 11:00 AM.

May 18, 2023 - Webinar-Transit Priorities and Funding


Copyright © by Transit Coalition of North Texas.

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